Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Plenty has happened since my start-stop of this blog--namely, Occupy, which pushes all sorts of buttons for those preoccupied with all this urbanism business. I don't know if off the top of my head I have a whole lot to add directly to the discussion, as I feel like I'm still (still) processing all the new information that has come in, whether from experiences like the General Strike or the OO camp itself or the scads of analysis that's come along with it. But with Occupy sitting directly under my conscious thought most of the time, it's invariably going to shape my output here. I know thoughts about Lefebvre's concept of the right to the city, and Don Mitchell's book of the same name, are slowly coming to the surface, and it's likely that extracts (very many, maybe) from Mitchell's book are going to serve as jumping-off points for some imminent posts. Questions of gender and public space, especially given the knotty nature of gender dynamics at Occupy, are definitely going to be a topic of discussion too.

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